Tuesday, June 30, 2009

You're kidding me, right?

I posted the following after certain cigs were banned:
"Can someone tell me why we as a people are hell bent on blaming others for our own problems? Or why a smoker just banned certain cigarettes? Anyone?"

This posting spawned from a bill about smoking. For those who don't know what the recent bill says it pretty much goes like this:
* FDA regulations will supersede weaker state laws, a major expansion of federal power;
* The bill bans the words "light" or "mild" in tobacco advertising, as well as any words that give the impression that one cigarette is less dangerous than another;
* It bans flavored tobacco products, like clove or cappuccino cigarettes (yes, they exist);
* It requires companies to submit a complete list of ingredients in the tobacco, paper, filter and other components, and allows the FDA to require the removal of any additive it says is dangerous;
* It requires this list of ingredients to be placed on all labels, which will itemize chemicals added to tobacco products;
* It restricts tobacco marketing to children, such as tobacco billboards near schools.

I had a few replies... but i love a good debate and this one seemed to be asking for it rather then simply trying to make a point. Thank you for your response and tough shit, its going up.

"Because of the health concerns with kids starting to smoke and concerns with other health problems down the road..."

Here is your reply sir... no one twisted anyone's arm for them to smoke. And frankly no one is twisting your arm for you to keep smoking... now grow a set and voice your opinion.
We all know the risks. If i want to kill myself smoking, shouldn't i have the right to do that however i so choose? I know what I put into my body whenever I light up. I've known it since day one.

The reason I a livid about this has nothing to do with what most argue in dealing with socialism aspects. No, it is my ability to have the freedoms to do what I want, say what I want, stick whatever I want into my body and even have the freedoms to die in said manner should I desire.

Dammit, I want this government to succeed with all my being... but I see more and more retarded decisions being made. I guess this goes to show that most people take things out of context to better their choices. And most of the people don't fkn read or have what most of us call common sense. I'll accept that people aren't as smart as lead to be... or that I had once speculated. But We aren't that stupid either.

Ok... asshole is getting off the soap box (that would be muah)