Thursday, December 31, 2009

Morbid isolation or social repulsion...hmmm

Well shit, forgot I even had this thing... But since I've refound meh blog, I suppose I must do the end-of-the-year stuff. Quick.. run away.

Normally I would try to come up with some end of the year thing here, but I was lazy this year. Been so busy with work, school and the rest of life to grab a moment to collect a brain. No you don't have to endure another top ten of anything...

Lets just say I'm glad to see 2009 go, but i guess here are the highlights:

-Car blew up in the middle of rush hour traffic... that was fun.

-Went out and bought a new car.... yay 2nd car I've ever had. Boo having to change the oil. My last car was so busted up over the years of crap that it leaked oil so much I never changed it, I simply just put more in.

-Lost ten pounds. However it was the ten pounds I had gained in 2008, so wasn't that much of a victory. Then gained five back. Sitting between 155 and 160. Which isn't bad, but I've gotta keep up the work. I think this year I may actually start to track this stuff.

-Mp3 player blew up... my desktop pc's power supply along with it. I've relearned why I dislike radio. Due to us getting rid of Dish Network for At&t, we lost Sirius. The reason for saying such things is that satellite radio would actually play stuff that wasn't insanely popular, thus learning about new things to hear.

-Busted my ass in school, and have no life to prove it. But I did get the hope scholarship over the grant, and made the Dean's list at school. Fuck yeah being a geek! (don't have a life now, so what's a little pride for who and what I am going to do?)

-Got my teeth fixed. I've had some issues with my mouth. That much has been apparent since my wisdom teeth came in all impacted and screwing up my mouth about 14 years ago. I hadn't been in some time due to losing insurance, and lets face it, have you seen Dental plans? They suck, even for students. Paying out the ass and they still say they'll only pay for 25%... wtf?

-Umm... I got a goddamn ticket on new year's eve for having a headlight out. And a field sobriety test to go right along with it. No, I hadn't been drinking, but damn... way to be an ass about it.

2010 starts off with me paying more stuff off and keeping it down. I'm still broke, but not in stupid ass debt anymore. I think car, college, and dental bills are productive debt. I'll be bustin' my ass cause I'm finally a senior in college and ready to get the fuck on with my life after screwing it up so bad.

So cheers to living in the moment and learning from and repeating the same mistakes over and over. Cheers to life and all that good stuff that goes along with the bad. I'll celebrate the decade next year...